for it can not always be great ...
No, not at the Waschen eingelaufene Quilt. Für den ist es heute einfach zu dunkel, viel zu trübes Wetter, das werden keine schönen Fotos, vielleicht lacht ja morgen die Sonne ein bisschen...
Also, weiter gehts mit dem Ausmisten des Nähzimmers:
Kurz nach der Resteverwertung kommen ja die UFOs, und man glaubt ja nicht was so an längst verdrängten Projekten durch so einen Umzug wieder ans Tageslicht (und damit ans schlechte Gewissen) befördert wird. So gab es da eine Tüte mit Stoffstreifen, alles blau-türkis, bisschen rot dabei, irgendwie garnicht so toll. Eigentlich sollte das mal ein Duschvorleger werden, so eine Idee hatte ich bei Frau Liebe mal begeistert gelesen.
Nur war er/es eigentlich noch started not at all (is it ever been a UFO? Or even a NANO?) and fits also not in our current bathroom, so was he / it the other subtitled ado need to "pillow" for those we can, and the blue-white cellar room would this fit into something strange color combo even, if need be, somehow.
Well, weitergeschnibbelt and interpreted the result I was still pretty ugly. What the hell, if I have already invested so much time, I'm also ready to throw away as a UFO simple, and I can now really not, that somehow would be a capitulation to the inner fears. Well, then. In the end I was really rushed because I wanted to have the room. Like it does me in the final state is not really much too far, despite the color reduction to blue-turquoise-green-red. And the patterns of why I've only combined all of these substances?
Ok, try making Kluch, now it's up there, maybe I am still friends to it, somehow. The comic format is the way about through the idea of \u200b\u200b"hiding" things in the guest bed pillow covers. In the absence of any place in closets and a simultaneous lack of a decent cushion parade on the basement couch, I found the least a very good idea. Then there is now next to the blanket-wrapped Guest the guest pillows in a new guise. The blanket is beautifully packaged, somehow.
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