panter The red / black panther
When you have amore oboist serve the pleasure of such illustrious creatures like the oboe d' to be allowed. As this instrument, especially in the Baroque period was used, was for the purchase of the baroque oboe quickly a Baroque oboe d'amore in my Besitz gewandert. Schnöde verpackt in einen tarnfarbenen Polyester-Anzug musste sie bis letztes Wochenende warten, bis sie ein neues Zuhause bekam, dabei hortete ich den Stoff schon eine Weile, Etsuko Furuya ist das, Panter in rot. Die Echinostoffe sind haptisch so toll, man könnte alles aus ihnen machen, Taschen, Kleider, Kissen, einfach traumhaft! Gibt es z.B. hier noch.
Wie meine andere Oboentasche auch, gefüttert mit einem Honeycomb-Punktestoff, an denen kann ich mich auch einfach nicht satt sehen.
As oboist I have the pleasure to play such soundful creatures like the oboe d'amore . Because this instrument was used mostly in the baroque area, after getting the baroque oboe (oboe) there was only little time until I got my baroque oboe d'amore. It had a very ugly, protective mimicry-colored polyester casing and sadly had to wait until last weekend until I made a new one for it. This is echino panther in red, combined with honeycomb dots. I love the echino-fabrics, they are so useful for many things, like bags, clothes, pillows, just everything. And honeycomb is what I obviously can not get enough from !
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