Thursday, December 30, 2010

Free By Mail Catalogs For Prom Dresses

Happy New Year All the best for 2011 ♥

I have compiled all the good luck charm for you, I could find. Which we all have good luck in the new year.

These great coils I got paid today.
Thank you, dear Christine ♥

tends Slowly, the year to a close ...
It was an exciting year for me, with a few new things in my life
This also includes this blog. Again and again I have admired your great blog and I
brought a lot of inspiration. I never would have imagined me to put himself into something on their feet. Now I
wish you and your family all the best for 2011 ♥
are dear to all Greetings, Miri ♥

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do Ovaries Get Swollen

surprise post ...

This morning the postman geklinget with me.
Before the door was a nice package for me. When I opened it, my Shabby-hearts beat faster.
My bee has packed lots of great things for me. Everything made so lovingly by hand.
Dankeschööööön ♥
Just yesterday, I've even considered what should I put on my Schräncken when the trees come off. Now I know `s, hehe.
We currently have more holidays. My GG weißelt diligently in the basement. There is an old dining room table with beautiful legs. For many years he has down there almost only fit for its existence.
Now he can hopefully go up to New Year's Eve.
Always be loving greetings, Miri ♥

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Masterbate With A Showerhead


My pimped standing tray

view from our kitchen window .... It's snowing again!

I love these days between the years .... All Christmas, family obligations are met, the children are on holiday and I leave.
a look into the day as it comes live, with no timetable ... Sooo wonderful!
Finally I also once again time to express my creative side. So this afternoon was whitewashed hard and getting creative. My
standing tray was now finally painted white and decorated with a logo of Dominica.
An old Belgian shabbymäßig jar I created for my little shop.
I love these glasses. They are scattered all over with me in the house.
Ah, snow will also do it again. Sooo comfortable!
Always be loving greetings, Miri ♥

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cost Ofbaby Loc Jewel


Diese hübsche Lampenschirmchen habe ich in dem wunderschönen Blog " Uruguay Life" gesehen.
Da die liebe Tine das Muster und die Anleitung gleich mitgeliefert hat, habe ich sie heute nachmittag in aller Ruhe nachgebastelt.
So if you or a table decoration or a last-minute gift needs ......
We have snow already since this morning. Outside, everything is already quite snowy.
I wish you a beautiful Christmas Eve. Let you give presents beautiful!
Greetings dear, Miri ♥

Thursday, December 23, 2010

1976 4 Hp Evinrude For Sale

Merry Christmas ♥

So, that is now so our shabby little tree. Actually, I had ordered antique clocks digits, I wanted to go hang. But unfortunately until now no mail there. But I will definitely make up a picture of it.
Das ist unsere Weihnachtsecke im Wohnzimmer.
                                      Hier findet morgen die Bescherung statt.

So, the house is cleaned. And I've redecorated the same again, 0) The purchases are all done. Now, come Christmas!
go this afternoon we might even come to a wonderful Christmas Market in Heidelberg to really in the Christmas mood.
probably even tomorrow we get snow, yippie.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Weihnachtsfest ♥ Genießt die Zeit und laßt es Euch gutgehen.
Ich bin zwar noch nicht lange dabei, doch fühle ich mich schon sehr wohl  mit Euch.
Seid alle lieb gegrüßt, Miri ♥

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Watch Free Pinky Movies Now

a nice fourth Advent

Der Countdown läuft.... Kinder, wie die Zeit rennt. Heute ist schon
der vierte Advent. In fünf Tagen habe wir schon Weihnachten.
Da ich nächste Woche noch arbeiten muß, habe ich schon gestern
unseren Baum geschmückt. In diesem Jahr gibt es bei uns zum erstenmal
einen Shabby-Baum. Hat cost me quite convincing in my
family. But now everyone is thrilled.
I show you pictures of it but not until next week, since I still have to wait quite
special decorative elements that arrive hopefully next week by mail
I wish you all a comfortable fourth Advent.
Always be loving greetings, Miri ♥