Thursday, December 30, 2010

Free By Mail Catalogs For Prom Dresses

Happy New Year All the best for 2011 ♥

I have compiled all the good luck charm for you, I could find. Which we all have good luck in the new year.

These great coils I got paid today.
Thank you, dear Christine ♥

tends Slowly, the year to a close ...
It was an exciting year for me, with a few new things in my life
This also includes this blog. Again and again I have admired your great blog and I
brought a lot of inspiration. I never would have imagined me to put himself into something on their feet. Now I
wish you and your family all the best for 2011 ♥
are dear to all Greetings, Miri ♥

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Do Ovaries Get Swollen

surprise post ...

This morning the postman geklinget with me.
Before the door was a nice package for me. When I opened it, my Shabby-hearts beat faster.
My bee has packed lots of great things for me. Everything made so lovingly by hand.
Dankeschööööön ♥
Just yesterday, I've even considered what should I put on my Schräncken when the trees come off. Now I know `s, hehe.
We currently have more holidays. My GG weißelt diligently in the basement. There is an old dining room table with beautiful legs. For many years he has down there almost only fit for its existence.
Now he can hopefully go up to New Year's Eve.
Always be loving greetings, Miri ♥

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Masterbate With A Showerhead


My pimped standing tray

view from our kitchen window .... It's snowing again!

I love these days between the years .... All Christmas, family obligations are met, the children are on holiday and I leave.
a look into the day as it comes live, with no timetable ... Sooo wonderful!
Finally I also once again time to express my creative side. So this afternoon was whitewashed hard and getting creative. My
standing tray was now finally painted white and decorated with a logo of Dominica.
An old Belgian shabbymäßig jar I created for my little shop.
I love these glasses. They are scattered all over with me in the house.
Ah, snow will also do it again. Sooo comfortable!
Always be loving greetings, Miri ♥

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cost Ofbaby Loc Jewel


Diese hübsche Lampenschirmchen habe ich in dem wunderschönen Blog " Uruguay Life" gesehen.
Da die liebe Tine das Muster und die Anleitung gleich mitgeliefert hat, habe ich sie heute nachmittag in aller Ruhe nachgebastelt.
So if you or a table decoration or a last-minute gift needs ......
We have snow already since this morning. Outside, everything is already quite snowy.
I wish you a beautiful Christmas Eve. Let you give presents beautiful!
Greetings dear, Miri ♥

Thursday, December 23, 2010

1976 4 Hp Evinrude For Sale

Merry Christmas ♥

So, that is now so our shabby little tree. Actually, I had ordered antique clocks digits, I wanted to go hang. But unfortunately until now no mail there. But I will definitely make up a picture of it.
Das ist unsere Weihnachtsecke im Wohnzimmer.
                                      Hier findet morgen die Bescherung statt.

So, the house is cleaned. And I've redecorated the same again, 0) The purchases are all done. Now, come Christmas!
go this afternoon we might even come to a wonderful Christmas Market in Heidelberg to really in the Christmas mood.
probably even tomorrow we get snow, yippie.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Weihnachtsfest ♥ Genießt die Zeit und laßt es Euch gutgehen.
Ich bin zwar noch nicht lange dabei, doch fühle ich mich schon sehr wohl  mit Euch.
Seid alle lieb gegrüßt, Miri ♥

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Watch Free Pinky Movies Now

a nice fourth Advent

Der Countdown läuft.... Kinder, wie die Zeit rennt. Heute ist schon
der vierte Advent. In fünf Tagen habe wir schon Weihnachten.
Da ich nächste Woche noch arbeiten muß, habe ich schon gestern
unseren Baum geschmückt. In diesem Jahr gibt es bei uns zum erstenmal
einen Shabby-Baum. Hat cost me quite convincing in my
family. But now everyone is thrilled.
I show you pictures of it but not until next week, since I still have to wait quite
special decorative elements that arrive hopefully next week by mail
I wish you all a comfortable fourth Advent.
Always be loving greetings, Miri ♥

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Patricia Pelada Gratis

a happy 1st Advent ...

I wish you! Our Advent wreath this year: A candle stand from the building, decorated with green and colored only from our garden, holly, heather, birch fruits, small hips, a few branches of yew (!). We are very excited about the first Christmas in our new home! But we make viieeele concerts are to deny, as it should be for musicians ;-)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cartoon Resembling Maxine

Our House - First Impressions

Finally a few photos from our new home, it all has taken much longer than expected, otherwise I would have written sooner.
First of all we had to live for some time with my parents, because when you move the heater is not working yet and we had no toilet, the installers did not come until the following week. (That was the only one "breakdown" we had to be restored, man, we had a chance until now!) And then we would rather have to wait until the kitchen was usable, that would be for the kids otherwise everything zu provisorisch geworden. Letzten Endes wollte Leopold dann am liebsten bei Oma wohnen bleiben, aber inzwischen ist er auch ganz begeistert und stöbert sich durch alle Stockwerke.
Fertig sind wir natürlich noch nicht, aber wir haben es inzwischen ganz schön gemütlich.
Vor allem mein Nähzimmer ist noch garnicht eingeräumt, auch das Arbeits- und Musikzimmer im Keller hat noch leere Regale und Schränke. Aber irgendwie brauchte ich mal ein bisschen Pause nach dem ganzen Stress, im Job war auch grad viel los und es sind noch einige Handwerkerarbeiten zu machen, das will ja auch alles koordiniert und betreut werden.
Am liebsten sitze ich im Esszimmer mit Blick in den Garten durch das riesige Fenster, Baumpfleger lichten das viele Green grade, when the sun shines here is really great, despite superdreckigem window ...
The choice of materials to floors, tiles, wallpaper, etc. I found a really exciting part, on the other hand, severely stressful. For what pleases me / us in 10 or 20 years, which is affordable but nice, where I get it more advantageous, what pleases me at all ... The Internet is full of beautiful things, but all to sift and sort, has taken a long time. For I am a must have on the species, the ALL seen until they can decide tedious. I find it so difficult to deal with the current "trend" too critical, I find much new and somehow beautiful, but how long nochund why at all? Will it fit in our house and us? Our furniture, like the rooms appear with the wallpaper, how do the tiles on the wall, together with the work surface, I combine the old bathroom tiles so that it does not looks old, what is the floor after it is sanded and who makes it? ... In the end, everything has become beautiful, fortunately! must
Upon entry, we still do (leave) because I am still / again in the brooding, because like the cement tiles from the kitchen to me so very well that I also liked that there would, let's see ...
The gray November days to make pictures in the house is not quite so simple, but for einen Eindruck sollte es reichen.
Ich schalte dann mal weiter zur Werbung ;-)

Die Küche mit Zementfliesen-Boden von Via, 10x10cm große Platten in weiss und blaugrau.

Fliesenspiegel mit glänzenden holländischen Fliesen in verschiedenen Weisstönen, Küchenmöbel von Ikea.

Die Treppe in der Eisdiele äääh... Essdiele *g*, die Tapete hängt auch an der Wand gegenüber. Das Parkett ist jetzt geschliffen und geölt.
Amy Buler Tapete im Wohnzimmer, sieht sooo schön aus zu unseren alten Möbeln!

Und again with the Puseblumenlampe (Ikea), there is now also available in small!

The other Amy Butler wallpaper in the sewing room, combined with bright turquoise wall, the transition we hung a white-painted trim.

the bathroom light the pink towels.

This stylish hand-held shower I have had absolutely! Makes a very soft jet of water, super water-shy for my rascal. (Hansgrohe, is also available in other colors) In the bedroom the little deer wakes up my closet.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

All Purpose In Bread Machine

Tomorrow is the parade

I rise times short out of the woodwork: Tomorrow is our move.
Somehow a bit early because we are not finished in the house. But the tenants have been in and we have wanted it no other way (we had canceled at the end of October).
We have sanded and painted, papered and painted, hammered, cleaned, picked out flooring, tile picked out, fittings, kitchen cabinets, etc., etc. ... can be
amazing how tired one, I could fall from 20 clock every night to bed.
Unbelievable how long some things, for two days, I scrub the bathroom tiles and joints (and am not yet ready)
amazing how exhausting it all is, it wants it but only have a little beautiful (as is for me sometimes even the question of meaning, as much drudgery ...).
It is nice if you good, nice craftsman in the house, because working is a more fun and you can watch as everything is beautifully done.
comes Hopefully tomorrow the plumber, so we at least have a toilet and the heating can be even turned on (it was pretty fresh the last few weeks * hustschnief *)
've Otherwise, I but to show love doing things in the living room thanks to Amy Butler wallpaper Duration spring and the kitchen floor looks so beautiful in blue and white checkered, and my sewing room, sewing room my hach ...!!! Everything else if We're in!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can A Swollen Face Be A Symptom Of Ms

12 of 12 in October

I first thought this afternoon tuned, but there is now some pictures querbeet:
've got home from the service I first crawled into bed, unfortunately, a Kopfwehtag after a much too short night.
So this is my second Hi-wake coffee after a nap, with hi-wake chocolate (Romy, yummie!)

After coffee, the same lunch, ravioli, salad, had to leave everything degree is no time to cook, unfortunately.

now an hour into the sewing room, it must be, but what does it say a mysterious box?

These are the wallpaper in our house, I'll show you now. This is to decorate a wall in the lunchroom.

coming into the nursery, even against a wall.

She has already looked a bit out of the package, red and white dots come into the dressing room. These three wallpaper I got from wallpaper Agency

The next two are my pride and joy, that name emblazoned on the role of * drumroll *

Amy Butler wallpaper! Coming into the living room, I liiiieeeebe. And yes, it's available as a substance, love-collection.

And for my room I picked out this * sigh * When I
Amy Butler had wallpaper on the internet, I almost jumped for joy in the triangle that I just HAD to have!. I'm after a bit of begging from England get sent, because they are not actually available in D. Does this company: Graham & Brown .

sewn I still have, little animal, is often taken ;-).

My headache just goes away, maybe helping an Asian soup? She was tasty anyway. Glutamate-containing pure.

evening then the house, I felt Lacquer since 8 weeks or so, but it is distinguished from an end, I think ... So it looks in the living room to the time, doors, radiators and in the background my "Lackbar" on the old sink.